Source code for cmkinitramfs.item

"""Module providing the Item class for files in the initramfs

Each file type of the initramfs has an :class:`Item` subclass. Those classes
provide methods used by :class:`Initramfs` generation methods.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import socket
import stat
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterator, Set

from .utils import hash_file

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MergeError(Exception): """Cannot merge an Item into another"""
[docs]@dataclass class Item(ABC): """An object within the initramfs"""
[docs] def is_mergeable(self, other: Item) -> bool: """Check if two items can be merged together By default, two items can only be merged if they are equal. :param other: :class:`Item` to merge into ``self`` :return: :data:`True` if the items can be merged, :data:`False` otherwise """ return self == other
[docs] def merge(self, other: Item) -> None: """Merge two items together Default merge is just a no-op. Subclasses can override this as done by :class:`File` to handle hardlink of identical files. :param other: :class:`Item` to merge into ``self`` :raises MergeError: Cannot merge the items """ if not self.is_mergeable(other): raise MergeError(f"Different items: {self} != {other}")
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Get the paths of this item within the initramfs This method should be overriden by subclasses which add files to the initramfs. :return: Iterator over this :class:`Item`'s destination paths """ return iter(())
[docs] def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: """Check if this item is present at the given path in the initramfs This method should be overriden by subclasses which add files to the initramfs. :return: :data:`True` if ``path`` is part of this :class:`Item`'s destination paths, :data:`False` otherwise """ return False
[docs] @staticmethod def build_from_cpio_list(data: str) -> Item: """Build an Item from a string This string should respect the format of ``gen_init_cpio``. :param data: String to parse :return: Item corresponding to ``data`` :raises ValueError: Invalid string """ parts = data.split() if parts[0] == 'file' and len(parts) >= 6: return File( int(parts[3], base=8), int(parts[4]), int(parts[5]), set(parts[6:] + [parts[1]]), parts[2], hash_file(parts[2]) ) if parts[0] == 'dir' and len(parts) == 5: return Directory( int(parts[2], base=8), int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]), parts[1] ) if parts[0] == 'nod' and len(parts) == 8: return Node( int(parts[2], base=8), int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]), parts[1], Node.NodeType(parts[5]), int(parts[6]), int(parts[7]) ) if parts[0] == 'slink' and len(parts) == 6: return Symlink( int(parts[3], base=8), int(parts[4]), int(parts[5]), parts[1], parts[2] ) if parts[0] == 'pipe' and len(parts) == 5: return Pipe( int(parts[2], base=8), int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]), parts[1] ) if parts[0] == 'sock' and len(parts) == 5: return Socket( int(parts[2], base=8), int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]), parts[1] ) if parts[0] in ('file', 'dir', 'nod', 'slink', 'pipe', 'sock'): raise ValueError(f"Invalid format for {parts[0]}: {parts[1:]}") raise ValueError(f"Unknown type: {parts[0]}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_to_cpio_list(self) -> str: """String representing the item The string is formatted to be compatible with the ``gen_init_cpio`` tool from the Linux kernel. This method has to be defined by subclasses. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_to_directory(self, base_dir: str) -> None: """Add this item to a real filesystem This will copy or create a file on a real filesystem. This method has to be defined by subclasses. :param base_dir: Path to use as root directory (e.g. using ``/tmp/initramfs``, ``/bin/ls`` will be copied to ``/tmp/initramfs/bin/ls``) """
[docs]@dataclass class File(Item): """Normal file within the initramfs :param mode: Permissions (e.g. 0o644) :param user: Owner user (UID) :param group: Owner group (GID) :param dests: Paths in the initramfs (hard-linked) :param src: Source file to copy (not unique to the file) :param data_hash: Hash of the file (can be obtained with :func:`hash_file`) :param chunk_size: Chunk size to use when copying the file """ mode: int user: int group: int dests: Set[str] src: str data_hash: bytes chunk_size: int = 65536 def __str__(self) -> str: return f"file from {self.src}" def is_mergeable(self, other: Item) -> bool: return isinstance(other, File) \ and self.data_hash == other.data_hash \ and self.mode == other.mode \ and self.user == other.user \ and == def merge(self, other: Item) -> None: if self.is_mergeable(other): assert isinstance(other, File) self.dests |= other.dests else: raise MergeError(f"Different files: {self} and {other}") def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self.dests) def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: return path in self.dests def build_to_cpio_list(self) -> str: dests = iter(sorted(self.dests)) return f'file {next(dests)} {self.src} ' \ + f'{self.mode:03o} {self.user} {}' \ + (' ' if len(self.dests) > 1 else '') \ + ' '.join(dests) def build_to_directory(self, base_dir: str) -> None: iter_dests = iter(self.dests) # Copy reference file base_dest = base_dir + next(iter_dests) with open(self.src, 'rb') as src_file, \ open(base_dest, 'wb') as dest_file: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): dest_file.write(chunk) os.chmod(base_dest, self.mode) os.chown(base_dest, self.user, # Hardlink other files for dest in iter_dests: abs_dest = base_dir + dest, abs_dest)
[docs]@dataclass class Directory(Item): """Directory within the initramfs :param mode: Permissions (e.g. 0o644) :param user: Owner user (UID) :param group: Owner group (GID) :param dest: Path in the initramfs """ mode: int user: int group: int dest: str def __str__(self) -> str: return f"directory {self.dest}" def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter((self.dest,)) def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: return path == self.dest def build_to_cpio_list(self) -> str: return f'dir {self.dest} {self.mode:03o} {self.user} {}' def build_to_directory(self, base_dir: str) -> None: abs_dest = base_dir + self.dest os.mkdir(abs_dest) os.chmod(abs_dest, self.mode) os.chown(abs_dest, self.user,
[docs]@dataclass class Node(Item): """Special file within the initramfs :param mode: Permissions (e.g. 0o644) :param user: Owner user (UID) :param group: Owner group (GID) :param dest: Path in the initramfs :param nodetype: Type of node (block, character) :param major: Major number of the node :param minor: Minor number of the node """ mode: int user: int group: int dest: str nodetype: Node.NodeType major: int minor: int class NodeType(Enum): """Special file type""" #: Block device BLOCK = 'b' #: Character device CHARACTER = 'c' def __str__(self) -> str: if self.nodetype == Node.NodeType.CHARACTER: return f"character device {self.major} {self.minor} {self.dest}" if self.nodetype == Node.NodeType.BLOCK: return f"block device {self.major} {self.minor} {self.dest}" raise ValueError(f"Unknown node type {self.nodetype}") def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter((self.dest,)) def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: return path == self.dest def build_to_cpio_list(self) -> str: return f'nod {self.dest} {self.mode:03o} {self.user} {} ' \ f'{self.nodetype.value} {self.major} {self.minor}' def build_to_directory(self, base_dir: str) -> None: abs_dest = base_dir + self.dest if self.nodetype == Node.NodeType.BLOCK: mode = self.mode | stat.S_IFBLK elif self.nodetype == Node.NodeType.CHARACTER: mode = self.mode | stat.S_IFCHR os.mknod(abs_dest, mode, os.makedev(self.major, self.minor)) os.chmod(abs_dest, self.mode) os.chown(abs_dest, self.user,
[docs]@dataclass class Pipe(Item): """Named pipe (FIFO) within the initramfs :param mode: Permissions (e.g. 0o644) :param user: Owner user (UID) :param group: Owner group (GID) :param dest: Path in the initramfs """ mode: int user: int group: int dest: str def __str__(self) -> str: return f"named pipe {self.dest}" def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter((self.dest,)) def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: return path == self.dest def build_to_cpio_list(self) -> str: return f'pipe {self.dest} {self.mode:03o} {self.user} {}' def build_to_directory(self, base_dir: str) -> None: abs_dest = base_dir + self.dest os.mkfifo(abs_dest) os.chmod(abs_dest, self.mode) os.chown(abs_dest, self.user,
[docs]@dataclass class Socket(Item): """Named socket within the initramfs :param mode: Permissions (e.g. 0o644) :param user: Owner user (UID) :param group: Owner group (GID) :param dest: Path in the initramfs """ mode: int user: int group: int dest: str def __str__(self) -> str: return f"named socket {self.dest}" def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter((self.dest,)) def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: return path == self.dest def build_to_cpio_list(self) -> str: return f'sock {self.dest} {self.mode:03o} {self.user} {}' def build_to_directory(self, base_dir: str) -> None: abs_dest = base_dir + self.dest sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) sock.bind(abs_dest) os.chmod(abs_dest, self.mode) os.chown(abs_dest, self.user,