Source code for cmkinitramfs.init

"""Module providing functions to build an init script

The :func:`mkinit` function will generate a ``/init`` script.

``do_foo()`` functions write a string performing the foo action into a
stream. This stream should be the init script.

``_fun_foo()`` functions write a string defining the foo function into a
stream. This stream should be the init script.

Helper functions available in the init script that can be used by
:class:`` classes:

 - :func:`_fun_die`: Fatal error handler (does not return).
 - :func:`_fun_log`: Logging functions (always successful).

Special helper function available in the init script:
:func:`_fun_rescue_shell`, :func:`_fun_panic`.

Init environment variables:

 - ``HOME``
 - ``PATH``

Init global variables:

 - ``PRINTK``: Initial kernel log level.
 - ``INIT``: Program to run as init process after the initramfs.
 - ``RD_XXX``: If set, feature *XXX* is enabled.
 - ``RD_BREAK_XXX``: If set, breakpoint *XXX* is enabled.

The init script should never rely on global variables being set or unset,
it should always assign a default value if not set.

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import locale
from enum import Enum, auto
from shlex import quote
from typing import Iterable, IO, Mapping, Optional

from .data import Data

#: Global Busybox applet dependencies
    '[', 'cat', 'cut', 'echo', 'env', 'exec', 'exit', 'export', 'kill',
    'mount', 'return', 'set', 'shift', 'switch_root', 'sync', 'test',
    'umount', 'uname',
#: Keymap loading Busybox applet dependencies
BUSYBOX_KEYMAP_DEPS = {'loadkmap', 'kbd_mode'}
#: Kernel module loading Busybox applet dependencies
BUSYBOX_KMOD_DEPS = {'depmod', 'modprobe'}

#: Get a quoted TAB character
TAB = '"$(printf \'\\t\')"'
#: Get a quoted EOL character
EOL = '"$(printf \'\\n\\b\')"'

[docs]class Breakpoint(Enum): """Breakpoint in the boot process Breakpoints can be enabled by adding rd.break to the kernel command-line (e.g. ``./kernel.img foo rd.break=init``). Setting ``rd.break=foo,bar`` will enable both ``foo`` and ``bar``. Environment variables can also be set to enable them (e.g. ``./kernel.img foo RD_BREAK_EARLY=true``). """ #: Early break: break before any action, including command-line parsing. #: Can be set with the ``RD_BREAK_EARLY`` environment variable. EARLY = auto() #: ``init``: Break after initramfs initialization. #: Can also be set with the ``RD_BREAK_INIT`` environment variable. INIT = auto() #: ``module``: Break after loading kernel modules. #: Can also be set with the ``RD_BREAK_MODULE`` environment variable. #: Alias: ``modules``. MODULE = auto() #: ``rootfs``: Break after mounting the root filesystem. #: Can also be set with the ``RD_BREAK_ROOTFS`` environment variable. ROOTFS = auto() #: ``mount``: Break after mounting all filesystems. #: Can also be set with the ``RD_BREAK_MOUNT`` environment variable. #: Alias: ``mounts``. MOUNT = auto()
[docs]def _fun_rescue_shell(out: IO[str]) -> None: """Define the rescue_shell function ``rescue_shell`` drop the user to ``/bin/sh``. Arguments: none. This function *should not* be called from a subshell. This function *does not* return. :param out: Stream to write into """ out.writelines(( "rescue_shell()\n", "{\n", "\tlog 0 'Dropping into a shell'\n", "\texec /bin/sh 0<>/dev/console 1<>/dev/console 2<>/dev/console\n", "\temerg 'Failed to start rescue shell'\n", "\tpanic\n" "}\n\n", ))
[docs]def _fun_panic(out: IO[str]) -> None: """Define the panic function ``panic`` causes a kernel panic by exiting ``/init``. Arguments: none. This function *should not* be called from a subshell. This function *does not* return. :param out: Stream to write into """ out.writelines(( "panic()\n", "{\n", "\tlog 0 'Terminating init'\n", "\tsync\n", "\texit\n", "}\n\n", ))
[docs]def _fun_die(out: IO[str]) -> None: """Define the die function ``die`` will either start a rescue shell or cause a kernel panic, wether ``RD_PANIC`` is set or not. Arguments: error message. This function *should not* be called from a subshell. This function *does not* return. :param out: Stream to write into """ out.writelines(( "die()\n", "{\n", "\temerg \"$@\"\n", "\tkill -TERM -1 || err \'Failed to kill all processes\'\n", "\t[ -n \"${RD_PANIC+x}\" ] && panic || rescue_shell\n", "}\n\n", ))
[docs]def _fun_log(out: IO[str]) -> None: """Define the logging functions ``log``: log a message. - Argument 1: syslog level number, from 0 to 7. - Additionnal arguments: message to log. Logs printed to stderr: - Level ≤ 4: always - 5 ≤ level ≤ 6: if debug enabled or quiet disabled - Level = 7: if debug enabled Helper functions: - ``emerg``: log a message for a panic condition. The message is prepended by 'FATAL:'. - ``alert``: log a critical error message requiring immediate action. The message is prepended by 'ERROR:'. - ``crit``: log a critical error message. The message is prepended by 'ERROR:'. - ``err``: log an error message. The message is prepended by 'ERROR:'. - ``warn``: log a warning message. The message is prepended by 'WARNING:'. - ``notice``: log a significant/unusual informational message. - ``info``: log an informational message. - ``debug``: log a debug-level message. Helper functions will call ``log`` with the coresponding syslog level. Logging functions always return successfully. :param out: Stream to write into """ out.writelines(( 'log()\n', '{\n', '\t[ "${1-}" -lt 8 ] && lvl="$1" && shift || lvl=1\n', '\t[ $# -ge 1 ] || return 0\n', '\techo "<$((24 | lvl))>initramfs:" "$@" 1>/dev/kmsg\n', '\tif [ "${lvl}" -eq 5 ] || [ "${lvl}" -eq 6 ] ', '&& [ -z "${RD_QUIET+x}" ] || [ -n "${RD_DEBUG+x}" ] ', '|| [ "${lvl}" -le 4 ]\n', '\tthen echo "$@" 1>&2\n', '\tfi\n', '\treturn 0\n', '}\n', '\n', 'emerg() { log 0 \'FATAL:\' "$@" ; }\n', 'alert() { log 1 \'ERROR:\' "$@" ; }\n', 'crit() { log 2 \'ERROR:\' "$@" ; }\n', 'err() { log 3 \'ERROR:\' "$@" ; }\n', 'warn() { log 4 \'ERROR:\' "$@" ; }\n', 'notice() { log 5 "$@" ; }\n', 'info() { log 6 "$@" ; }\n', 'debug() { log 7 "$@" ; }\n', '\n', ))
[docs]def do_header(out: IO[str], home: str = '/root', path: str = '/bin:/sbin') \ -> None: """Create the /init header - Create the shebang ``/bin/sh`` - Configure environment variables - Define global functions (``panic``, logging, ...) :param out: Stream to write into :param home: ``HOME`` environment variable :param path: ``PATH`` environment variable """ out.writelines(( "#!/bin/sh\n", "\n", f"HOME={quote(home)}\n", "export HOME\n", f"PATH={quote(path)}\n", "export PATH\n", "\n", )) _fun_rescue_shell(out) _fun_panic(out) _fun_die(out) _fun_log(out)
[docs]def do_init(out: IO[str]) -> None: """Initialize the init environment - Check the current PID is 1 - Mount ``/proc``, ``/sys``, ``/dev`` - Set the kernel log level to 4 (``KERN_ERR`` and higher priority) :param out: Stream to write into """ out.writelines(( "debug 'Initialization'\n", "test $$ -eq 1 || die 'init expects to be run as PID 1'\n", "mount -t proc none /proc || die 'Failed to mount /proc'\n", "mount -t sysfs none /sys || die 'Failed to mount /sys'\n", "mount -t devtmpfs none /dev || die 'Failed to mount /dev'\n", 'PRINTK="$(cut -d', TAB, ' -f1 -s /proc/sys/kernel/printk)"\n', "echo 4 1>/proc/sys/kernel/printk || ", 'err \'Failed to set kernel log level to 4\'\n' '[ ! -d "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)" ] || depmod || ', 'warn \'Failed to generate modules.dep\'\n', "\n", ))
[docs]def do_cmdline(out: IO[str]) -> None: """Parse the kernel command line for known parameters Note: the command line is parsed up to "--", arguments after this are passed through to the final init process. Parsed parameters: - ``init=<path to init>``: Set the program to run as init process after the initramfs. - ``debug``: Enable debugging, see ``rd.debug``. - ``quiet``: Enable quiet mode, see ``rd.quiet``. - ``rd.break={init|rootfs|mount}``: Stops the boot process, defaults to ``rootfs``. See :class:`Breakpoint`. - ``rd.debug``: Enable debugging mode: output verbose informations. If quiet mode is disabled, enable shell trace (with ``set -x``). - ``rd.panic``: On fatal error: cause a kernel panic rather than dropping into a shell. - ``rd.quiet``: Enable quiet mode: reduce verbosity. :param out: Stream to write into """ out.writelines(( "debug 'Parsing command-line'\n", "for cmdline in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do\n", "\tcase \"${cmdline}\" in\n", "\t--) break ;;\n", "\tinit=*) INIT=\"${cmdline#*=}\" ;;\n" "\tdebug) RD_DEBUG=true ;;\n", "\tquiet) RD_QUIET=true ;;\n", "\trd.break) RD_BREAK_ROOTFS=true ;;\n", "\trd.break=*)\n", "\t\told_ifs=\"${IFS}\"\n", "\t\tIFS=','\n", "\t\tfor bpoint in ${cmdline#*=}; do\n", "\t\t\tcase \"${bpoint}\" in\n", "\t\t\tinit) RD_BREAK_INIT=true ;;\n", "\t\t\tmodule|modules) RD_BREAK_MODULE=true ;;\n", "\t\t\trootfs) RD_BREAK_ROOTFS=true ;;\n", "\t\t\tmount|mounts) RD_BREAK_MOUNT=true ;;\n", "\t\t\t*) err \"Unknown breakpoint ${bpoint}\" ;;\n", "\t\t\tesac\n", "\t\tdone\n", "\t\tIFS=\"${old_ifs}\"\n", "\t\t;;\n", "\trd.debug) RD_DEBUG=true ;;\n", "\trd.panic) RD_PANIC=true ;;\n", "\trd.quiet) RD_QUIET=true ;;\n", "\t*) unknown_cmd=\"${unknown_cmd-}${unknown_cmd+ }${cmdline}\" ;;\n", "\tesac\n", "done\n", "\n", "[ -n \"${RD_DEBUG+x}\" ] && [ -z \"${RD_QUIET+x}\" ] ", "&& PS4='+ $0:$LINENO: ' && set -x\n", "[ -n \"${unknown_cmd+x}\" ] ", "&& debug \"Skipped unknown cmdlines: ${unknown_cmd}\"\n", "unset unknown_cmd\n", "[ -n \"${RD_DEBUG+x}\" ] || exec 1<>/dev/null || ", "err 'Failed to redirect stdout to /dev/null'\n", "\n", ))
[docs]def do_keymap(out: IO[str], keymap_file: str, unicode: bool = True) -> None: """Load a keymap :param out: Stream to write into :param keymap_file: Absolute path of the file to load :param unicode: Set the keyboard in unicode mode (rather than ASCII) """ mode = 'unicode' if unicode else 'ASCII' out.writelines(( "info 'Loading keymap'\n", f"[ -f {quote(keymap_file)} ] || err ", quote(f'Keymap file {keymap_file} not found'), '\n', f"kbd_mode {'-u' if unicode else '-a'} || crit ", quote(f'Failed to set keyboard mode to {mode}'), '\n', f"loadkmap <{quote(keymap_file)} || crit ", quote(f'Failed to load keymap {keymap_file}'), '\n', "\n", ))
[docs]def do_module(out: IO[str], module: str, *args: str) -> None: """Load a kernel module :param out: Stream to write into :param module: Name of the module to load :param args: Arguments for the module (passed to ``modprobe``) """ quoted_args = (f'{quote(arg)} ' for arg in args) search = quote(f'/{module.replace("_", "-")}\\.ko') out.writelines(( 'if cat "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin" 2>/dev/null | ' f'tr _ - | grep -q {search}; then\n', f"\tinfo 'Loading kernel module {module}'\n", f"\tmodprobe {quote(module)} ", *quoted_args, '|| crit ', quote(f'Failed to load module {module}'), '\n', 'fi\n', '\n', ))
[docs]def do_break(out: IO[str], breakpoint_: Breakpoint, scripts: Iterable[str] = ()) -> None: """Drop into a shell if rd.break is set :param out: Stream to write into :param breakpoint_: Which breakpoint to check :param scripts: User commands to run before the breakpoint """ if breakpoint_ is Breakpoint.EARLY: breakname = 'RD_BREAK_EARLY' elif breakpoint_ is Breakpoint.INIT: breakname = 'RD_BREAK_INIT' elif breakpoint_ is Breakpoint.MODULE: breakname = 'RD_BREAK_MODULE' elif breakpoint_ is Breakpoint.ROOTFS: breakname = 'RD_BREAK_ROOTFS' elif breakpoint_ is Breakpoint.MOUNT: breakname = 'RD_BREAK_MOUNT' else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown breakpoint: {breakpoint_}") if scripts: out.write(f"info 'Running user scripts for {breakpoint_}'\n") for script in scripts: out.writelines((script, "\n")) out.write("\n") out.writelines(( "[ -n \"${", breakname, "+x}\" ] && notice ", quote(f"Reached {breakpoint_}"), " && rescue_shell\n" "\n", ))
[docs]def do_switch_root(out: IO[str], newroot: Data, init: str = '/sbin/init') \ -> None: """Cleanup and switch root - Print debugging information - Restore kernel log level (set to boot-time default if not possible) - Kill all processes - Unmount ``/dev``, ``/sys``, ``/proc`` - Switch root :param out: Stream to write into :param newroot: Data to use as new root :param init: Init process to execute from the new root """ out.writelines(( '[ -z "${INIT+x}" ] && INIT=', quote(init), '\n', 'info "Run ${INIT} as init process"\n', 'debug \' with arguments:\'\n', 'for arg in "${INIT}" "$@"; do debug " ${arg}"; done\n', 'debug \' with environment:\'\n', 'old_ifs="${IFS}"\n', 'IFS=', EOL, '\n', 'for var in $(env); do debug " ${var}"; done\n', 'IFS="${old_ifs}"\n', '\n', '[ -z "${PRINTK+x}" ] && PRINTK=', '"$(cut -d', TAB, ' -f4 -s /proc/sys/kernel/printk)"\n', 'echo "${PRINTK}" 1>/proc/sys/kernel/printk || ', 'err "Failed to restore kernel log level to ${PRINTK}"\n', 'exec 0<>/dev/console 1<>/dev/console 2<>/dev/console || ', 'err \'Failed to restore input/output to console\'\n', 'kill -TERM -1 || err \'Failed to kill all processes\'\n', "umount -l /dev || err 'Failed to unmount /dev'\n", "umount -l /proc || err 'Failed to unmount /proc'\n", "umount -l /sys || err 'Failed to unmount /sys'\n", 'exec switch_root ', newroot.path(), ' "${INIT}" "$@"\n', "die 'Failed to switch root'\n", "\n", ))
[docs]def mkinit( out: IO[str], root: Data, mounts: Iterable[Data] = (), keymap: Optional[str] = None, modules: Optional[Mapping[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, scripts: Optional[Mapping[Breakpoint, Iterable[str]]] = None, ) -> None: # noqa: E123 """Create the init script :param out: Stream to write into :param root: :class:`Data` to use as rootfs :param mounts: :class:`Data` needed in addition of rootfs :param keymap: Path of the keymap to load, :data:`None` means no keymap :param modules: Kernel modules to be loaded in the initramfs: ``{module: (arg, ...)}``. ``module`` is the module name string, and ``(arg, ...)``` is the iterable with the module parameters. :param scripts: User commands to run. ``{breakpoint: commands}``: ``breakpoint`` is the :class:`Breakpoint` where the commands will be run. ``commands`` is the iterable with the commands. """ datatypes = set() for data in itertools.chain((root,), mounts): datatypes.add(type(data)) for dep in data.iter_all_deps(): datatypes.add(type(dep)) if modules is None: modules = {} if scripts is None: scripts = {} do_header(out) do_break(out, Breakpoint.EARLY, scripts.get(Breakpoint.EARLY, ())) do_init(out) do_cmdline(out) if keymap is not None: do_keymap(out, keymap, unicode=(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] == 'UTF-8')) for datatype in datatypes: datatype.initialize(out) do_break(out, Breakpoint.INIT, scripts.get(Breakpoint.INIT, ())) for mod_name, mod_args in modules.items(): do_module(out, mod_name, *mod_args) do_break(out, Breakpoint.MODULE, scripts.get(Breakpoint.MODULE, ())) root.load(out) do_break(out, Breakpoint.ROOTFS, scripts.get(Breakpoint.ROOTFS, ())) for mount in mounts: mount.load(out) do_break(out, Breakpoint.MOUNT, scripts.get(Breakpoint.MOUNT, ())) do_switch_root(out, root)